Faster ‘’Return to Play’’ – with cold compression  – in Postoperative and Post-Injury Rehabilitation

Faster ‘’Return to Play’’ – with cold compression – in Postoperative and Post-Injury Rehabilitation

After overexertion, injuries and operations, only one thing counts for ambitious athletes and workers: returning to sport or work as quickly as possible. In order to accelerate the “return to play” or the “return to work”, healing must be supported at the highest level from from time of injury to the end of recovery phase.

Over many millions of years nature has developed a system to heal destroyed structures in the body: THE INFLAMMATION. It is often perceived negatively, but it is the only way the body can heal well. For this reason, inflammation should never be suppressed. However, a “sensitive modification” or even support of this can help to obtain the optimal “healing result”.

If structures in the body have been damaged, then, on the one hand, fluids must be drained off and structural debris disposed of, and on the other hand, the necessary energy and the body’s own “healing substances” must be supplied. The resulting local inflammation is therefore a natural and even necessary process in order to “heal”. The results are heat, redness, swelling, pain and impaired function.


When inflamed areas of the body feel warm, it is because there is more blood flow in those areas. This makes the tissue more “penetrable” and metabolic processes can take place faster. Under certain circumstances, excessive heat generation can occur, so that other symptoms, such as pain and swelling, become even more pronounced. In such situations, it can be of advantage to lower the greatly increased heat and energy level with the help of so-called cryotherapy. Various studies support the fact that cryotherapy can be useful. 

A CoolGards’s cold and compression system offers optimal possibilities to do just that:

Cold water is passed through a cuff that adapts perfectly to the corresponding part of the body. As a result, energy is continuously withdrawn from the affected area and the heat is thus gently and evenly reduced over the duration of the application. The perfect fit of the cuffs creates the cooling effect that is evenly and extensively and not only selectively, as would be the case, for example, with a cooling pack. The moderate and controllable withdrawal of energy and the associated cooling of the structures modifies the inflammation, but at no time prevents its function of self-healing.


Inflamed areas of the body may appear red because the blood vessels of inflamed areas are wider than usual.


Swelling, or edema, is common when a part of the body is inflamed. It results from fluid accumulating in tissues either throughout the body or in the affected area. Swelling may cause pressure on the skin and other tissue, leading to pain. Swelling can occur without inflammation, especially with injuries. In addition to the pain, the swelling has another negative effect: intra-articular swelling primarily causes an immediate reduction in the controllability of the affected muscles. In another word, swelling reduces the maximum strength of the surrounding muscles by up to 25-30%.

Pulsating compression enables an improved transfer of fluids and waste materials into the neighboring, healthy structures as well as into the venous and lymphatic system. This form of therapy is also particularly suitable for the removal of structural debris which, due to their size, can only be disposed of via the lymphatic system. The pulsation also simplifies the absorption of the debris into the lymphatic system.

The “cleansing” within the destroyed structures also promotes the supply of essential substances for healing in the next step. You can imagine pulsating compression therapy like a sponge: the old is pushed out, the new fills up the sponge again due to the suction.

By reducing swelling and removing – among other things – liquids, waste products and neuroactive substances, the region is “cleaned” and the basis for faster regeneration and healing is created. Simultaneously important substances can be supplied via the arterial system, which carry out their tasks to build up the structures.

Both the volume reduction and the cleaning of the tissue as well as the provision of new energy and necessary substances enable the body to reduce the pain. This is accompanied by a significantly increased ability to move, which is the greatest impulse to the body for active self-healing. 


With both acute and chronic inflammation, inflammatory chemicals can stimulate nerve endings, causing the affected areas to feel more sensitive. Inflammation can cause pain in joints and muscles. When inflammation is chronic, a person will experience high levels of pain sensitivity and stiffness. The inflamed areas may be sensitive to touch.


The combination of cold and compression can significantly promote regeneration and healing. The CoolGards’s cold and compression system offers exactly that: cold water and pulsating compression in the wraps can optimally support the various processes in the body. To meet the most diverse requirements, the temperature of the water can be individually adjusted by adding ice cubes and also the strength of the compression can be adapted. Due to the improved situation of swelling and pain, the use of medication may even be reduced or stopped.

The return to everyday life, whether at work or in sports, can be effectively accelerated with the right measures. The use of the CoolGards’s cold and compression system is therefore suitable for a wide variety of target groups, such as medical facilities, sports clubs, chronic or acute patients.